Sunday, April 10, 2005

WOW! What a fucking weekend!

Ok, so like Friday nothing much happened, we stayed in and piddled around the place and did a few odds and ends.

Saturday I went out with Crystal, Tazie and his son. We went to Tricky Nicks, a bar that has Karaoke by the Same guy who does it at the "V". So, anyways I end up staying the night with Crystal and them lastnight. Totally awesome our plans didn't get changed for once. This morning Crystal and I come back over here to her dad's house and, um...WHOA. Shit has turned into thicker than ever. Oh my god, someone flicked a switch lastnight and C’sDad went from being Low (Depressed) to High (Manic) over night --He's a manic depressive..

Anyways, the second we walk in through the door this guy is barking at us like we're a buncha fucking dogs. He's ranting and raving about how we're wrong and he's the only one thats right and "blah blah" and how If I want to go over to Crystal and Tazzie's house they have to come pick me up, instead of me driving the Van. And that when its time to goto the store that we'll make arraingments when the time comes, maybe Crystal and I can go together after she gets off work so I'm not missappropriating his money and shit like that. And god he went on and on and on about stupid bullshit that isn't even relevant to anything that could ever be relevant to something.

It is well known that I work my ass off almost constantly around here. Hell, I can't even get a moment's peace without him yelling for me for some damned reason. Somehow, I get most of my stuff done that I need to do, work a little bit at a time on certain rooms and stuff and chip away at the rock a little at a time, so its not too overwhelming. Well, I just about burst into tears when he was yelling, literally at me, that I have never done anything worth doing around there and all I ever do is sit around and that I'm gonna have to start earning my keep and this and that, and that this isn't a party house and I'm not gonna go galavanting around in HIS vehicle because we're putting too many miles on it. Hell, that damn van is older than my car and has 1/2 as many miles! I'm like FUCK!

So, anyways, He was nosing through my shit while I was gone. Pissed me off BIG fucking time. Said he went to lay down on my (was mine to sleep on) bed and thought he'd look around a bit. I knew, I just KNEW that someone was going through my stuff while I was gone. And sure enough, he is so Manic he blurted it out. Oh that pissed me off. So, now I'm in another room. I can close the door to the outside and I have a hallway that connects to the main part of the house and the computer room is right down that hallway and that hallway has its own door. So, I'm in this room. Moved all my shit today. Said he was gonna sleep for a coupla weeks in my bed and see how he likes it better in there and on that bed. That thier was no need to move out my stuff (I said I was going to move my clothes to the other room) I'm like BULLSHIT. You are NOT sleeping in my room with my shit in there for you to rumage through. Nuh huh, no way, aint gonna fucking happen. So, I moved all my shit today to the "guest" room. Where I have my own private bath and dressing area and sitting area, etc etc. And much nicer and bigger bed. Much more room, which I guess could be a good thing.

My most severest of all petpeeves is someone comming into my own personal and private spaces and nosing around. Says its "his house and he'll come in there if he wants to anytime he wants to". Crystal said she'll take care of it, I hope she does.

You know, I could take the "depressed" and "Low" C’sDad a hell of alot better and easier than I can take this "Manic" and "High" C’sDad. He's just totally off his rocker. They adjusted his meds again today and said that he shouldn't hopefully level out. They kept increasing them and increasing him until he's too high now. It wouldn't be THAT bad if he wasn't so damned Hostile and Negative. Saying we've done this and that behind his back, etc. I was watchinga movie and had moved (with Crystal's permission) and ununsed DVD player into my room to watch a DVD. Oh we both caught hell for that one. I have to ASK persmission before I do anything because I might do something wrong. TRUST is NOT in his vocabulary....Not at all!

I need to git and change over my Laundry. You guys might be seeing me home sooner than what I thought. I dont know how Crystal can put up with this shit. I'm going to try, for Crystal, I'm going to try. If this doesn't work out, I'm moving over to her house, and I'm going to help her clean out one of her spare rooms she uses as storage and somehow I'll manage to get back n forth to here and just stay overnight at her place and a few hours a day here.

And if that doens't work, homeward bound I'll be.

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