Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The Internet

Where would my life be if we did not have the internet? If we were not taught the internet in our schools and able to get online. I would never have met Crystal for one. I would have never had any reason to goto the West Suburbs of Chicago to meet her eventually. I would have never met Hephaestus. Never would have never had a reason to goto Maryland and initially meet Mars (his brother) which led to meeting Hephaestus. The internet has helped in almost always to define who I am and what I do today.

Should I be thankful? Grateful? Upset? Where would my life be, if not for the internet. Who would I have married? Would I be married? Would I be in chicago? I would most likely be stuck in Arkansas working at wal-mart as a cashier and probably married to DCM, or even JH. Maybe I would have went to college. Thier are so many people out there who's lives would be so different (not necessarily better) if not for the internet.

Sometimes you wonder if its for the good or the bad. For instance in Crystal's case, its good that she met me over 10 years ago online. When I was just a Teen looking to learn the Tarot and first starting to seriously study Paganism in General. If not for me, she may have never found that void that needed to be filled after her sister was murdered. She would have no one to help her through the rough and tumble that I helped and was there for (and vice versa as well). She would be stuck here at her dad's, dealing with him all the while her marriage would have probly started to fall apart. I'm so happy I'm here.

In a way I am so grateful for the internet. It brought so many wonderful people into my life. I could not see my life without Crystal and Tazzie. I believe that i would be married, divorced, then married and divorced over and over again if not for Hephaestus. I dont think I could or would have found someone to compliment me so well.

I wouldn't have Hephaestus's nephews in my life. Those 2 little boys mean everything to me.

I dont think I would have learned a few of the lessons that needed to be learned, by living in Maryland and Virginia and dealing with Hephaestus's biological father and step-mother and all the bullshit they pulled on us. I would not be where I am today. And somethings I wish I could change. yes, thier has been bad roads and rough times, but I wouldn't change them for another "existance". For another realm without the internet, where I would be with DCM, a drug addicted idiot. I wouldn't be the person I am today. I would still be a Nervous Anxiety disorder with Extreme Obessessive Compulsive tendancies. Hephaestus helped pull me out of that.

I dont know what I would have done without Crystal and my very special adopted brother, Andy, in Canada. They were my rocks when Hephaestus and I had what it seemed like unsolvable issues (we still do, dont get me wrong, no relationship is perfect and if you think yours is, wake up and smell the dying roses).

To all my friends that I have made on the internet, thankyou for being in my life. Tho we may never meet face to face, you will always be apart of my heart and apart of my largly extended family truly and forever.

To all the friendships I've made and then unmade via the internet, you've helped teach me a lesson, whoever you were/are and for whatever reason's you hurt me, I thankyou for doing so. Because of you I learned a lesson I may never had learned without meeting you via the internet.

To the inventors and creators of the internet, I thank you for bringing wonderful people into my life. For helping me build bonds and relationships with my Husband, my brother Andy and my sister Crystal. For showing me that family is not just by blood. You can be family even when your in another Country. thankyou, thankyou THANKYOU! for bringing all the wonderful people in my life that you have.

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