Thursday, April 15, 2010

one of those days...

Did everything BUT the 4 things I wanted to do (related to work)... 

Honestly, if you asked me what I did today I'd say "I don't know" because I really do not freaking know how my time was used up before I could even BLINK and then BOOM its time to go home...

I hate insane Fridays which is EXACTLY what my Friday is going to be now because my "to do" for Thursday is now "to do" for Friday plus the 50 things I have to do on Friday already...


On the plus side we watch the last episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (streaming) tonight. We start Angel (streaming) this weekend and next week starts Charmed (DVD). We're buying us some new clothes this weekend (I need new work shirts and he needs new pants, I need new pants too my crotch is wearing out...) and next weekend I am buying a Gazelle. Cheapest Eliptical I could find and it'll fit just enough into the bedroom so I can watch tv in the morning while using it before work. I read a review about a woman who used it and lost over 100 lbs in about a year so I am aiming for that... Now we just gotta keep me away from the chocolate and pasta....

Why is chocolate and pasta/breads harder to give up than SMOKING!!!!???? doesn't make sense, B!

1 comment:

  1. LOL...I just debated throwing out the pants I had on yesterday for the same reason...

    Don't even get me started with the chocolate, etc... :( This week is sucking and I fear I'm going down the wrong road. But I think I'm not going to think about it until next Monday. I'm feeling totally worn out with everything and when I start thinking about what I'm eating I stress out even more and then just want to stuff my face with all horrible that chocolate I just ate. Damnit!!

    Good luck to you my friend!


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