Monday, November 10, 2008

kickin ass and takin names

i totally kicked some corporate billing ass today at work *Flexes muscles* go me!!

i'm gonna kick some Rockband ass here in a minute after this blogpost..

I was kickin ass making "Shrimp Scampi and Linquine" with some "Spinach & Feta Spanakopita" until I burned my hand in the f*ckin oven... damn oven.

Did I tell you we totally rocked it yesterday by WALKING in the light snowfall (well i guess in Chicago you can't call that really snow....the flurries) and cold weather to the Pet Store down the street. ---STINKY! and they have Tarantulas----and gods SNAKES!!!! (help me)


please Gods & Powers That Be: Do NOT let those critters out and do NOT let them find my home... I'd apprecaite it VERY much!!

Lots of Love,


  1. It's been snowing here the whole day! Not like the weather in Arkansas, that's for sure!

  2. I used to work at a pet store and someone stole one our tarantulas (case and all thank goodness.) Mall security caught the thieves but we had to go to the police station to file a report. And I had to take the damn tarantula with me. Needless to say I buckled that thing into the seat and drove the 20 minute across town very very carefully.

  3. Kat: oh I sure do miss the Fall in Arkansas!! I am so sad we don't get to see my parents this thanksgiving or get to visit this year

    Dutches: ack! I would have freaked the flack out!!! ohmigodz. no way could I have drove with one in my car!


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