Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Bring On The Rain

Monday wasn't so bad. Yesterday was ok... Today has been shit.

Artist: Jo Dee Messina
Title: Bring On The Rain

Another day has almost come and gone
Can’t imagine what else could wrong
Sometimes I’d like to hide away somewhere and lock the door
A single battle lost but not the war (‘cause)

Tomorrow’s another day
And I’m thirsty anyway
So bring on the rain

It’s almost like the hard times circle ‘round
A couple drops and they all start coming down
Yeah, I might feel defeated,
I might hang my head
I might be barely breathing - but I’m not dead

Tomorrow’s another day
And I’m thirsty anyway
So bring on the rain

I’m not gonna let it get me down
I’m not gonna cry
And I’m not gonna lose any sleep tonight

Tomorrow better be better or I'm going to kick some FUCKING ASS...

oh wait, it has be better. I have a million dollar bill to finish tomorrow and get out the door by friday-monday morning at the latest-or I could be in serious trouble..... Should be NO problem at all.... No problem whatsoever. we're just oh, almost a month behind again because of the stupid systems upgrades that fucked everything up and makes my job harder and difficult.


instead of selecting all of the guest rooms for a group to print out at once I now get to sit there and do each guest room 1 by 1 and transfer out of the holding bucket... not so horrible if its only 10k in revenue........but this is over 500k in room revenue...... omigod........

before -- open AR holding, search for group, select all, hit print, hit ok....go to the printer. check to see if they all printed and click "transfer"

before with upgrade implemented -- open AR holding, search for group, select all, hit print, hit ok...pop up window asking "Ok to print Invoice $$$$$", hit ok......and they all come at once.... and crash the computer.

now -- open AR holding, search, sort by invoice #, click 1st person, click print, click ok, click transfer, rinse and repeat...


and so i got a phone call from the new landlord today. She's getting fined $20 a day that we havn't registered with the Association. She's been promising us the paperwork is in the mail......she's never mailed it. She said she's paying the fines. Damn straight. And now --criminial background checks-- wtf?? seriously. Are you shitting me?! Ugh. I'm so pissed off right now. And I have to get Drake Registered with the City which means I have to get his shots which means I have to have that shit for the association.... Seriously, this is too much bullshit! I have more important things for my mind to be on besides someone els' fuck ups. She's "SO" worried about our fucking credit history that she "neglects" to tell us this crap?! the fuck?! what?!?!?!

And I think my powersteering is trying to go out on me now. And I have to get the brakes fixed --oh gods thier getting so bad now--

I told you people to stop pissing me off!!!!

Stop taking away from beautiful world!!!! YOUR NOT GOING TO FUCKING RUIN THIS SHIT FOR ME YOU DAMN ASSHOLES!!!! quit FUCKING with me!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you too, you've been going through a lot of stuff lately! You poor thing!!! Hang in there, things will get better!


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