Wednesday, July 02, 2008

so we got some awesome news today

i was able to signup for 401k so i got that out of the way on Monday. (if your a part time employee and you've had so many working hours then you can get 401k and I just qualified because for a long time I was considered "on call/casual" but i put my foot down this past spring because I wanted my raise and you have to be Full or Part time to get raises yearly and with a set schedule i thought it was bullshit that i wasn't part time atleast.)

the greatest news of all is that Homer talked to Montie and Montie went to HR and practically demanded that I be put for and bumped to fulltime seeing as how I work over 40 hours aweek now and it's only fair that if I'm putting in the hours that I get to reap the benefits like everyone else. So as of the next pay period (2 weeks cuz i get paid tomorrow) i will have insurance! How freakin awesome is that shit?! Pretty damn amazing huh?

Homer said this is just one more hurdle in getting me transfered to AcctgCmd forever and out of TheSpa forever and no more weekends! (unless its inventory)

So so far everyone in AcctgCmd seems to love me. Our new Assistant Controller (Savannah) seems tobe a pretty cool chic. She's definatly funny.

I got to sit in on my first resume (which is not how it sounds, its basically a report of the basics and special stuff, billing, room nights, etc.. it's less complicated than they make it out to be)... so one person (acctg gets 2) from each department is suppose to come in and sit in on the review of the resumes. Seriously, if these people would just READ the damn thing and ask questions if thier not sure then we in accounting would have ALOT less issues with people being billed wrong, etc etc etc etc...

TOMORROW is my first day in AcctgCmd by myself. I'm so nervous. I'm sure I'll be ok. Savannah said she'll be there too and I can always talk to her if I can't get ahold of Homer and I'd hate to call Homer on her day off but she said do it. So we'll see what happens.

Ok so seriously I thought I'd give the Accounting Part of my Life a little bit more recognition since obviously they did me so I'm sharin the love! WOOHOO it's comming soon, i can feel it!


  1. I hated taking accounting classes in college...and what do I do now? I analyze financials...weird how the world works!

  2. Congrats on getting in on the 401k, that is so great you can take advantage of that now. Do they match?

  3. they match 50 cents per dollar upto so much (not sure how much) but atleast they match! joe's work matches dollar for dollar.


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