Friday, July 18, 2008

Pros & Cons of getting a Promotion

Better Hours.
Weekends OFF.

Must buy new Cloths to go with new Position (I loathe clothes shopping...espeically when its business clothes shopping...le sigh)

I would say the Pros definatly out weigh the Cons!

Excedrin Back & Body -- I called up to make an Appt with a doc today regarding L4&L5 being herniated and making total havock on my ability to walk. I explained to the nurse that the ibuprophen basically stopped working and my old doc in Arkansas is practically a null & void doc because hello I moved to ChicagoLand. I told her about me stopping said ibuprophen because of wanting to get preggers & the fact that I probly shouldn't be popping pills that aren't working anyways... She said to use tylenol. and I know "asprin" is a "no no" but really this Excedrin has very very little Asprin in it and I really think it's helping... A little anyways. I can move kinda easier... Up and Down is a bit rough tho...

Now if I can just figure out what the fuck I did... 2 weeks no steadily progressing to worse and worse. I know the physical therapist told me that once they are herniated thier always herniated and to be careful but I *AM* always careful so why are they being a pain in the ass now?! I havn't needed physically therapy in...well since Spring of 2006.

Ok I think its time for bed. I don't think me and Joe are going to be trying to get knocked up this month. Totally missing the "estimated ovulation period" because of this whole back issue...

PS, Drake & Nilla did not get into any trouble today while we were gone at work. I expected to come home and he had found away to get at her but he was very behaved. Basically he ignores her. I guess that's a good thing. Occasionally he'll sniff or check her out but he's pretty much not interested it seems.


  1. Yay on the promotion. Well done.

    I hate shopping too. What I tend to do is buy a few basics (suits etc) and then a load of plain, mix and match tops so I can get away with wearing the same suit and just changing the top. Makes it a hell of a lot easier!

  2. That's good advice aboove on the shopping.

    I got stuff at resale shops early in my carreer (I may have stuck with that 'frugal' habit a little long). No use getting a raise if you end up in the hole due to increased spending (yes, an upfront expenditure can be viewed as a cost of the promption - but it has to be more than made up for over time by the raise).

    For pain management, I usually use alcohol. But that's just my way, I'm a traditionalist (and I don't like pills or nedles much).


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