Tuesday, June 24, 2008

i can't wait for my turn

a friend of mine went into labor this morning but given her circumstances she wont be bringing the baby home. she's giving it up for adoption. and that's ok! she's making a couple out there very happy by giving this child to them. and i honor and respect her so much more for that! it's a very brave and hard thing to do. i don't think that I could carry a child inside of me and then hand it over to someone else to raise.

and i found out yesterday that someone else is having a baby. she's due in october and having a girl. i think its kinda funny that they are having another girl. that's all the father ever talked about having when i knew him. i wanted boys and he wanted girls. now he's got 2! (and they have her children from her previous marriage as well) so this will make 5 kids. If my old friend Hal can do it, so can they! Shoot, my old friend Mel had 5 and her last 2 were twins. now that is tough! and the great thing is, the older ones can help do things like diaper changes and cleaning. it's not like you have to do it by yourself. and if family is close by i know my mom & dad would be over all the time wanting to help take care of the new baby if it was us.

now i've gotten to the point where I don't care if its a boy or a girl I just want kids. I want babies. Happy & Healthy babies. and I don't care if i have 1 or 10 (ok 10 might be a little extreme but you get my point)... i wouldn't mind having twins off the bat tho. a boy and girl...

c'mon sperm! mate with that egg! hey egg, get back over there, let that sperm fertilize you! lets have some BABIES! it's time to get FERTILIZED!!!


  1. I give your friend a lot of credit for having the baby and blessing someone else with it.

  2. I also give your friend A LOT of credit for giving the baby up for adoption and to another couple. That is serious strength.


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