i can't wait to go out for my walk in a little bit. and i can't believe those weatherbastards are predicting snow. SNOW! it's the first day of spring, It's Ostara, and it's wonderful outside! the patio doors are open, the bedroom window is open letting in that beautiful sunshine and warm light. it's the perfect day. i wish Taranis was home, we could go for a walk together in this nice beautiful weather. Gaia is putting on her spring dress. She's shedding her winter blues.
btw, the link above is to my "info website", just a buncha stuff, hasn't been updated in ages but it all still works. i need to remember my passwords and stuff and start working on keeping it up again now that i have time to do so...sigh, i remember the days when all i did was play sneezy, take care of the boys, run my website(s) and the Pagan Groups I founded back home in Arkansas. I use to be quite the little activist. Now I'm one of those "Elders" (its how they refer to me now, altho i'm far from old but it's in the Knowledge and actions, not the age) that folks call upon and I've drifted away for a younger group to take hold of the cause. I'm content in my little world. Maybe its because I don't know anyone here and those that i've tried to hook up with I'm just not clicking with. Clash of....what's the word? it's right in the tip of my brain but I can't figure it out. I'm from the south thier from the north and actions/behavoirs/people are so much more different up here. they all seem to be so darn intense when back home we were a nice comfy easy breezy group of folks who were active in our own little way of making Paganism known, recognized, and understood wihtout being overbearing and forceful.
The other day I got a call from one of my first students (yep, I use to teach) and He's doing a fine job! Still calls up the ole teacher for advice sometimes. And that makes me feel really happy and proud. My other students keep in touch, a quick hello here and there telling me of thier studies and what they've discovered. it's nice to see them growing into thier beliefs and theories and becomming more mature within themselves. I'm so very PROUD!
I can't wait to feel those same feelings when I have my own children. watching them grow and learn. teaching them what mommie knows. helping them through life...
I wonder...hmmm. you know, this would be a perfect time for me to go back to school/college. I wonder if i'd make it as a teacher. I'd love to teach Literature. The gods know my english is horrible sometimes but My knowledge of books and works of art in print... that is definatly something to discuss with Taranis. I loved teaching my students the basics and fundamentals of Paganism/Witchcraft. I bet I'd love to teach Literature as well.
“...So do we pass the ghosts that haunt us later in our lives; they sit undramatically by the roadside like poor beggars, and we see them only from the corners of our eyes, if we see them at all. The idea that they have been waiting there for us rarely if ever crosses our minds. Yet they do wait, and when we have passed, they gather up their bundles of memory and fall in behind, treading in our footsteps and catching up, little by little.”--Stephen King

4-30-11 = Best Day of My Life
This is Chicago babe. It could do this in May.