Thursday, January 03, 2008

talk about timing

i was just laid off from the firm. good thing i hadn't put in my notice yet at the spa

Feeling: crushed, absolutely crushed

Listening to: tears


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that. You have my condolances.

    I didn't handle my unemployment stretch well at all, so I probably won't be a source of good advice there. krm

  2. i cried myself to sleep lastnight. i kept thinking of everyone that i said good bye to, which in a company of 20 total people including owners, its a close knit bunch. and how sad everyone was that i was told to go home for good. CC was crying, SD was crying. everyone had tears in thier eyes. i've gotten tons of emails today from them about how they believe the firm is making a huge mistake. atleast i know that i was loved and i have major refrences and hopefully we can all be friends even tho i'm not there anymore.


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