Friday, November 23, 2007

1 down and 3 to go

atleast i think there is 3 more... 2 hosp bills & the dentist. I just paid off the anethesiologist today. Hosp #1 is the initial visit when I was having that problem in june. #2 is when I had my surgery. Between the 3 it's about 2k i owe in medical. now that the makes-you-loopy doc is paid off i put more into the other ones. and since my last truck payment is in 2 weeks that means ever more to pay them off. all the extra money is going straight to savings and not gonna be touched for mine and Taranis' "lets get our own place" fund. I was going to use my bonus from the Firm to add to that fund but I think I'm going to use it to buy christmas instead. It's about 200 bucks but hey, you know. And I'm suppose to get a gainshare bonus, too at some point. I don't know when they are paying it out. Probly sometime after the new year and that will put it over the top or close to us having enough to move out and getting a place.

Things are clicking together and falling into place. Patience and deep breaths all will be fine. I still wanna runaway to home. I hate it up here sometimes. I think I hate being away from my family more than anything. But I know that Arkansas doesn't hold the same opportunities for me as the Chicago area does. Atleast not yet. I don't want to work as a cashier or stocker all my life for wal-mart. I want to be better than that. And there is nothing wrong with those jobs. They paid my bills for many years. I just don't want to go back to that. I want to keep my corporate job and maybe one day climb up the ladder. I know I will never be as smart or have the knowledge for a "top of rung" job. But hey maybe something will happen and I'll be somewhere in the middle. Right now I'm at the lowest of the low at the Firm. And it can be very tiring and frustrating. But my owners have alot of respect for me and my opinion. I have an idea or suggestion and they love them and say "why wasn't this thought of before" and it's implemented immediatly in most cases. I know I have alot of potential maybe at the Firm. But I have no true accounting experience except what's learned on the job. I'm not really sure how I could advance with the Firm unless maybe Crystal retired which isn't going to be for a long long time, I'm sure.

I need to go back school. Get off my ass and figure out what it is I want to go to school for. Everything that I think of it's like "no, I really don't want to learn, I wouldn't be happy with that for the rest of my life"...

Maybe I could go back into the medical field. Go back to school and finish off the LPN liscence or just go for the gold and get my RN. Go into obstetrics and gynocology. There is so many fields in the "Medical" that intrugue me. Especially the obstetrics/gyno, mental health, etc...

I think come the new year I'm going to enroll in night classes to get my medical degree... If I can finally pinpoint down something that I want to do for the rest of my life.

Yes, I'm comfortable and happy with my job at the Firm. Not always so happy with the Spa. I'm ready to break out of this comfort zone and dive into something new. I am pretty confident that I will have my job at the Firm for years to come, altho sometimes it is scary that it looks like they could start letting people go when it gets slow like this. They always find something for me to do, fix, re-create, organize... I always have work and it looks like this new web thing we're working on for the clients will be launching and live soon and that will take alot of time, as well... Might even take me to full time hours and then I'd get paid vacations.

ok I'm rambling on and on. It's time to get myself together and head out to wallyworld and pick up my meds and get some other things.


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