Friday, October 19, 2007

so i'm lame and i know this

Taranis and I ended up going to Xrds lastnight. Sang a few songs. Lets see, what did I sing? No Doubt "Don't Speak", Heart "Magic Man", Evanescence "Call Me When Your Sober" and "My Immortal". I was so out of practice. The first song was absolutely horrid. And I couldn't even pull off "Sober" completely, my throat started to hurt. I don't know if its because I was sick, or if its because I've been out of practice. BUT! I will tell you this: I killed then on "Magic Man" I belted that fucker out and nailed it. "Immortal" was just as good. But "Speak" & "Sober" were aweful, In my opinion. I had my good points in the songs no doubt about that. But some parts I was just way off. I need to stop fucking around and practice again. I guess I figured singing in my Truck back N forth to work singing heavy metal tunes was gonna do something.

Well, Taranis ended up leaving earlier than me. Remember MG? that DJ i dated for a few months when I first moved up here? Well, it was more like 3 weeks I think. Anyways, he comes up behind me and plants a big ole kiss on me and I was thinking to myself he has some nerve. Talking about how he missed me and shit and how I need to come out and see him DJ again. Granted, he's a tall hot sexy got a body like a fuck can't think of anything gorgeous delicious piece of candy. But he's also a self centered pretentious fuck who, well... Yea we'll leave it at that. The body is all good, however the personality sucks. And I'm sorry, one dickhead is enough I don't need one the pants and one on the shoulders.

So then Fitz talks me into dropping my truck off at home and takes me out bar hopping with K. K is the sweetest and funnest lady ever. She's a little shorty (trying to be politically correct here and not say anyhting offensive) and an absolute blast. We ended up going to T-Woods I think its called for a few mins and then to the Coach House where we stayed til closing. It was insanity. I've never been to a place like that before. Shadowbar tried to be a "club" house on Fri and Sat nights with MG there DJin and other DJs. But this was massive Club mania. They even have a radio station up here just for it and the DJs are live on the Air when they are at the Coach. I don't know if that is an all the time thing, I'm just know that it was maybe too much for me. I think I have realized that no, i'm not a "clubber". rofl. Never called myself one before either.

Anyways, it was an awesome night just the same. I never intended to go out and stay out til 430 in the morning. And I didn't even get drunK! not even a buzz. I had 4 rum&cokes at Xrds and a jagerbomb. Had a rum & coke at T-Woods (I probly got that wrong, the name of the place) and 2 at the Coach. 7 Drinks all night in a span from 6ishpm to 3am. I think I did really well! Proves that I can go out, have a few kick back and enjoy and not get waisted. Nope, I'm saving all of that for the xmas party in December with TheFirm.


Feeling: Still Sleepy

Listening to: Silence


  1. Not even a buzz?

    I guess I am out of practice (but I really should know this - I don't drink a tenth of what I used to). krm

  2. yea, i basically had 1 drink an hour. that's not enough to get a buzz on. atleast not for me, especially after you've eaten.

    however, let me down 3 of those babies in an hour and i'll be nice and buzzed, along with drunk off my ass. 2 an hour is my ideal jizz. so basically i was below average lastnight. and like the title of this posting says, lame.

  3. Wel, I can still handle 1 an hour (or even a couple of quick ones followed by a 1/hour pace).

  4. So basically you went out with Taranis and he left you at the bar with a couple guys...hmm...what is going on with you guys..

  5. No, Taranis did not "leave me at the bar with a coupla guys". He was ready to go home, I wasn't. An old friend of mine that I havn't seen in a few months showed up and I wanted to stay and chat with him and his aunt. This old friend of mine talked me into going to a bar that stays open later because we still had alot more catching up to do.

    What's going on with me and Taranis? Well, that's negotiable and private and confidential. Since I don't know you and your going under "anonymous", then I guess you don't really need to know, huh?

    To K: Yea, my usual motto is to do a few quick shots and then maintain the nice buzz. I guess I wasn't really in a drinking mood. That's seems to be the case lately. Which is just fine. Don't have to drink to have fun! Altho I think I probly would have sang better since the progress I'd made of the stage fright kinda dissapeared with the absence of singing in front of others....

  6. But for all intents and purposes, you had an old boyfriend kissing on you. A boyfriend with a hot body...hmmm...what are we to think

  7. and i quote

    "Granted, he's a tall hot sexy got a body like a fuck can't think of anything gorgeous delicious piece of candy. But he's also a self centered pretentious fuck who, well... Yea we'll leave it at that. The body is all good, however the personality sucks. And I'm sorry, one dickhead is enough I don't need one in the pants and one on the shoulders."

    quit trying to cause an issue when there is not an issue to cause. you got some problems or what? Taranis obviously knows what happened and I obviously didn't kiss the guy back.

  8. If I was worried about what she was doing, I would not have left. As she said earlier,what's going on with us "Well, that's negotiable and private and confidential. "


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