Saturday, September 22, 2007

We've hit 1,000

This post is my thousandth post. Freakin spiffy eh?

so anyways the past week has been just completely dull and boring working and arguing and fighting and just killing shit on sneezy and working s'more.

The only true interesting thing that has happened all week ( to the recollection of my melting brain because of having worked basically a triple shift today ) is the fact that when I got home from work about 30 mins ago a damn fucking snake crawled up my pants (and for you perverts i mean a real one not a trouser snake, get yer mind outa the gutter for 2 seconds)

i think i'm slowly starting to calm down a little bit. i might beable to get to sleep after all. just as long as that fucking snake isn't in my dreams I should be golden oldies.

snakes *cringes in terror* the one thing I hate more than anything in the world, I hate more than my exhusband. Snakes and Spiders. Thier tied but if I had to deal with 1 or the other I'd rather see a spider than a fucking snake and trust me, I see enough of them in this damn house (spiders not snakes) seems like I'm killing one crawling on the wall or the floor everytime I turn around. Its amazing that I even fall asleep but eventually your body will shut itself down if you lay in the dark long enough.

I havn't had any nightmares about spiders and/or snakes in a long time. I'm 2 mins away from closing my eyes and trying to go to sleep. Lets hope I don't dream about them tonight and if I do, lets cross our fingers that taranis will hear me if I wake up screaming in the middle of the night. Which is what happens when those 2 creatures invade my resting soul.


Feeling: frightened

Listening to: the wind blowing

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