Monday, September 24, 2007

shower scene

wtf does that mean? c'mon. dreaming of showering. over and over again. and its a boring shower scene its not even like there was hot naked chics and we were doing it.

however the dream before that was a little interesting. all i can remember is little snippets. but the end of the dream really fucked my head up.

I'm having sex with Tom Keif from the Tom & Lisa show on 95 wiil rock. then we were talking and i asked him how he felt about having an affair, lying to his wife when she calls and stuff like that. I confessed to him how rough it was living a double life when I was with my ex (which never happened) and then we make out s'more and he tells me that he might be married to her but i'm his gal. but he has to leave. so we call a cab. well, Crystal needs a cab too but sh's going somewhere else and she takes the cab. Next thing I know tom & i are in Taranis' car, i'm in the back seat and Taranis is suppose to drop tom off at the radio station where his wife can pick him up. I say "drive to wisconsin?! i need to pee first" when i come back what appears to be Taranis sleeping on the couch tom says "i'll just stay with you tonight" and we go back to my room. we're making out and he morphs into a girl. so i'm having sex with a girl. and I heard moaning and then screaming I told her/it "i'll be right back" went to investigate and what looked to be Taranis is now Tom and he's been beat up badly. ran back into my room to use my cell phone to call the police and there is a message there saying "this is one (can't remember word here) you shouldn't have fucked with now maybe you'll learn your lesson" the girl was missing, tom keif was really badly hurt and I just remember a feeling of my whole world of affairs was crashing down on me. i'd been caught.

its crazy tho cuz i don't have affairs and I've never met Tom from the Tom & Lisa morning show. Talked to him on the phone calling in on OPT or to get tickets, sigh.

after that dream was the non stop shower dream.

weird shit man, weird shit.


Feeling: didn't sleep well after that dream

Listening to: Full Devil Jacket "Love Song"

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