i fully expected to be fired today. #1 for going over the supervisor's head and contacting HR, but also because i thought she never liked me. however i was proven very very wrong. i got exceeds on everything and i got the highest raise percentage for my classification group which is 3%. granted, nothing too major but hey, i got what i wanted right? and i'll get about 27/30 cents more an hour. we actually talked and bullshitted for a few moments and we've never done that. we laughed and joked and smiled. it almost kinda felt like i was in the twilight zone.
she said she loves how i handle the clients and customers and how i'm very patient with everyone and i'm not brash or harsh i'm polite and always got a smile. i'm very prompt about keeping my duties done and i make the area look good. quite the ego boost for me today.
hilarious: i got a Doctor bill in today. $2.70 --yes, 2 bucks and seventy cents. why don't they just write that shit off? seriously, its not even 3 dollars. u can't buy something to eat at mcd's and be satisfied with that little amount.
well, i have a long road ahead of me tomorrow. got a shift and 1/2 nearly and so its off to bed with me i go. i can't wait until sunday. no workie and off monday cuz of Labor day and i'm off tuesday to get more of my teeth fixed. dude, the way the dentist has my schedule set up, i'll have all my dental work completed by the end of this month. or very very very close to completion!
you know what i'm gonna do with the extra money from the spa? and the extra money i'm getting for working 2 40 hour weeks at the firm? i'm going clothes shopping. i'm going to splurge on myself and buy me some shoes for the firm, nicer shoes than i have now and nicer clothes for up there too. i'm gonna be rockin the casba.

Listening to: crickets chirping
I got 6 consecutive bills from my local clinic for the outstanding amount of $0.00 (insurancew had gone 100% on them).
ReplyDeleteThey spent $2.10 in postage to tell me that I owed them nothing at all.
Were I the one running a system, it would include a write off of any amount less than the postage to mail the bill.
I 2nd that