Tuesday, August 21, 2007

On my way...

to a beautiful smile! just got back from the dentist. my face is numb. they fixed 2 of the 6 problem teeth that I have. They were the worst 2. I got back in 2 weeks for 2 more and then 2 weeks after that for 2 more and something else, its going to be an all day dental visit, starting at 10am. He was afraid he was gonna have to do a root canal on these today, but! NOTHIN! woohoo. 1/2 of my smile is pretty again. I can't wait for the other 2 to get fixed then I'll smile real big for the camera like I use to.

i think that's it. nothing else going on. Crystal & Tazzie leave for their weeklong vacation friday. If you count the weekends its more like 2 weeks, lol.

anyhoot. my mouth feels weird, i'm outa here.


Feeling: i get my smile back!

Listening to: nothin

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