Monday, March 05, 2007

I Will Say This

I do feel bad about raggin on the girl. I was drunk and incoherant. But it was not in anyway ment to blame her for what happened between me and him. I know she's innocent of what he did. I was drunk, people. C'mon. Drunk blogging. Something is bound to get messed up.

Atleast i wasn't drunk dialing. I have a nearly $300 phone bill from that shit. Damn is that going to hurt.

But, I did it to myself. (The phone bill not what happenend between me and mr Fuckya and leave ya on christmas)


  1. If only some wise and far seeing person had warned you against the perils of drunk blogging...

  2. You got that right Murray. Maybe we could find a wise and far seeing person to talk to her. Do you know any?



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