so mister i'll fuck you on christmas eve and make dates in the future with you and sing to you and play the guitar for you fucking shows up with his godamn who ever she is who is so fuck ing ugly. i wanted to cry.
and she kept lookin at me, like she knows who i am. like they (meaning asshole and his uncle) warned her as to who i am. if i was the same pers on i use to be woud have taken her head and bashed it into a brick wall.
i miss him so much. i miss him. i want him.
but there is a guy that was there. he says he's my #1 fan. and said i am better than them and deserve to be treated like a princess. he's so sweet.i on't know if i like him taht way or not. he's growing on me was gettin me mushy.
i fucking hate all of you who have brocken my heart. how could you do this to me? ON CHRISTMAS! and smile at me and wink at me when her head is turned. how could you stare at me wit hthat same lust in your eyes while i'm singing and go home with her.. why couldn't you just be with me? i was faling so hard for you. i was falling in love wiht you. she doesn't compliment you like eevery said that i was complimenting you, thatwe looked perfect together.
hw could you do that to me? why bring me to tears and i cry for you again. i'm crying for you all over again.
i miss you.
i was falling in love with you and you broke my heart.
“...So do we pass the ghosts that haunt us later in our lives; they sit undramatically by the roadside like poor beggars, and we see them only from the corners of our eyes, if we see them at all. The idea that they have been waiting there for us rarely if ever crosses our minds. Yet they do wait, and when we have passed, they gather up their bundles of memory and fall in behind, treading in our footsteps and catching up, little by little.”--Stephen King

4-30-11 = Best Day of My Life
You never cease to amaze. As usual, you call her names and talk about how she's not good enough when you know nothing about her. How bout directing the anger where it belongs instead of blaming the girl. I mean, HE chose her. HE didn't want you, get over it and stop being so hateful to people that doesn't deserve it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing kv.
ReplyDeleteYou can go now.
yes, you can go now, KV. talking how YOUR so over me? and my 'drama' then why the hell can't you stop reading my blog?
ReplyDeleteafraid of something?
just fucking go away, i don't care what you think.
Good bye
KV missed the bus on how much one can glean from a very little bit of observation.
ReplyDeleteAlthough he does have something of a point. Whether she is a beastess from the deepest depths of hell or simply some oblivious bimbo that he is curretnly in the process of messig over, he is the one who messed you over. Focusing on her just lets you avoid fully getting over him.
The new 'nice guy' has a good point, no matter what attractive points the guy may have had, if he isn't going to treat you well then he is just a dirtbag to be gotten fully over.
I wasn't being mean to her. I was simply stating an observation that me and my friends shared : That she is not very pretty and doesn't compliment him. OK?!
ReplyDeleteI'm not being mean to HER. I was being angry at HIM! and she just doesn't happen to be pretty.