Saturday, March 24, 2007

Got some good news, and some bad news...

So, I walk into the spa and there is a note on my desk "Please see me before you start your shift" from the manager. Ok. So, I go in (and I think they were wanting me to quit or something) because she tells me that I'm cut from 3 days (fri, sat, sun) to just friday. until further notice.

That's the bad news: Loss of Money

Good news: TazMan the drummer for HeadRush came out to see me sing lastnight and is working on the singer (the bassist is all for it) on letting me in on a few songs for myself and to sing back up on others. That would be awesome.

More good news: I have my weekends free now. I dont have to work 7 days a week for now. I am so ready for some FREE time!


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