Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Chevrolet Blazer Full Review

Chevrolet Blazer Full Review

So, I'm having a few issues with my truck... again.

My gas mileage is not so hot. I'm suppose to be averaging about 17 miles or so per gallon. I have a 19 gallon tank. This morning, at 1/2 a tank, my miles were only about 75 on this fill up.

If you take the 17 mpg and times them by 19 I should be getting around 323 miles average per tank (aka 400 miles per tank if your gettin perfect gas mileage which never happens). 161 miles at the 1/2 way point. 75 miles is less than 1/2 of 1/2 of what my average should be. And I have not been in alot of stop and go traffic lately. Rush hours have been fairly decent.

Well, I've noticed that since a little before my water pump went out and now alot since it had to be replaced that my gas mileage has went total shit. Everyweek little by little I'm having to fill up a little more sooner than I was when I first got it. According to my math: 75 x 2 = 150 / 19 = 7.8 mpg. So I'm getting roughly 7 miles per gallon. That is not cool at all.

BUT! If I have a 19 gallon tank when it was at the 1/2 way mark Sunday when I filled it up for the week I should have put in about 9 or 10 gallons into it. But I didn't, it filled up after only a little over 5 gallons. SO, that tells me that my sensors or something are off with my gauge.

I was thinking that I had a 12 gallon tank or something which didn't make any sense at all for a 1997 chevy blazer. My Hyundai Elantra had a 14 gallon tank. When she filled up the marker on the gauge (and every vehicle I've had) would go past the red full line. I've also noticed that the Blazer has stopped that as well. It sits just at or just below the red full line.

All in all, my blazer has an appointment with her doctor not this week but next week friday. If its a senser in the tank I'm just gonna say "Fuck it" and make sure I reset my miles on it every time I fill up and keep an eye on them that way. I've had to do that before with another vehicle that I had before. (My first car ever, lol it was a bad --well my first car out on my own. It was my Gold 1992 Chevy Corsica) NOthing worked right in that car: Heater, AC, Speedometer and it eventually blew up on me.Threw a rod.

Anyways, my blazer got an issue and I get to put more money into it. Hopefully its not anything absolutely too horrible.


  1. If you haven't looked already, the owners' manual ought to have a listing of the variious specs and capacities (lke fuel tank size).


  2. While that is a great idea, I have no owner's manual because its used and the previous owners lost it.

    so, i looked it up and used the link and called my daddy who use to have the same truck and both tanks are suppose to be the same size.

    his was just a year or so older than mine, when the gear shifter was on the steering column and not on the floor like mine is. they didn't put em on the floor til about 1997 and i believe daddy's was a 96, just shy of it. otherwise, same exact truck.


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