Monday, February 05, 2007

Let's Bitch for a Moment, Shall We?

1st of all, my car is really pissing me off. I start her up this morning, she's warming up. We get in and its freezing inside. Thinking the heater just hasn't kicked in yet, we go to leave for work. A few miles down the road what happens? The engine temp gauge is in the red, the battery gauge is low, oil pressure is fine tho. Turn off the heater and we stop smoking, the temp goes to normal and battery goes to normal. Still in freezing sub zero temps for about 30 mins now, we turn around and go home, dropping off my truck and picking up Crystal's.
I have an appt after work to get my new spare mounted & have them look at my truck because of this morning's antics.
2ndly, I am cold/wind burnt. I thought that being sunburnt was bad. No. This is worse. Atleast with a Sunburn you can put cooling gel on it. With this, nothing helps. My entire body, especially the tops of my legs/upper thigh area is really bad. And dry skin, it doesn't matter how much I lotion, it doesn't get any better.
This blows ass. All of it! Every damn bit of it. too damn cold and my truck is falling apart.

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