Tuesday, January 23, 2007

To my Anonymous Commentors

I would hope that each and every person who comments on here is a friend and not an enemy. I know I have a few 'unfriendly' lurkers out there. So far, thankfully, those people have refrained from momenting. However, it still doesn't aleviate the little bit of paranioa (?) that I have in regards to Anonymous people.

I just wanted to inform you guys, incase you didn't realize, you dont have to be 'anonymous'. If you don't have a blogger account all you have to do is when you click on that 'comments' link and it brings up the dropdown box is this: Name/Other, OpenID, Etc.

Just a little heads up and fyi. If your not comfortable for whatever reasons to use the 'other' option, that's fine! I'll love and appreciate your comments anyways. Unless your my 'stalker', lol.

1 comment:

Thank you for commenting on my blog! I always enjoy the insight and views from my readers. Have a fantabulous day!!