So, Crystal's dad decided not to sell the Business. Which, makes everyone but the "would have been buyer" happy. As well as not getting the business, he's been canned. I'm happy to know that the business isn't going to that guy. Even tho its not MY family business, It is my 'family' who owns it and I do have an attachment being a former employee, etc etc.
So, of course her dad is spazing and freaking that he did the wrong thing which inturn is making Crystal spaz and freak out which in turn makes our Job at the Firm even harder because she's spazing and freaking and thinking that....long story. But its just making it hard to work sometimes. I need her sometimes and she's not there. And then when she is, its not like she's completely there. And when we're home. She's constantly on the phone dealing with all that stuff. *sigh*
I went out Thursday night. Karaoke. *yay* I sang. Didn't do as good as I have before. But, ya know. Oh well. Crystal and Tazzie actually stopped by for a little bit for once. It was pretty cool. They got to meet a few of my Karaoke buddies.
There was people sitting next to us at the bar. Me and the girl exchanged phone numbers. She said she wanted to stay in touch and be friends. Which is awesome. I'd like that. She and her ol'man was pretty cool.
Friday I was sick and didn't do anything. I went to work at the Firm and felt like I was going to die before the days was over. So, I didn't go into the spa. I'll probably end up being fired from them soon. I was NOT hung over or anything. I was legitimately sick.
Saturday I ended up going to work at the Spa. I went by the V for Karaoke and well, Didn't wanna stay there. Didn't even want to go. But I made an appearance. Said my hellos, quickly said goodbye and went to Crossroads.
Had a great time there. ended up standing in the parking lot with one of the Karaoke guys for like an hour just talking and hanging out after everything shut down and everyone had left. I'm glad that I'm making new friends. Its nice. I miss my friends in Arkansas. Not that I really have any left. Clarksville is good about destroying relationships and friendships.
Its been really really crazy at the Firm tho. We're in the middle of trying to go 'live' with the new program and stuff, and its just absolutely infuckingcredibly mind racking. I wanna scream and pull my hair out. Data isn't transferring right. We have clients coming in as vendors. Vendors in as clients. Sole contacts that are suppose to be CONNECTED to a vendor/client coming in as a client/vendor themselves. Data that's not coming in at ALL and data that's mysteriously showing up outta now where. Ghost data.
Here's the deal. Before, the firm was using 4 programs to track their Projects, Employees, AP/AR, Notes, etc etc etc. It was a hassle because alot of the information was having to be entered into 2 if not 3 or 4 diff locations. So it was really time consuming and alot of people didn't even use 1/2 the shit they were suppose to. None of it was done uniformly. People did shit however they were wanting to.
So, they bought this program. Its suppose to take all your AP/AR, Employees, EVERTHING and simplify it into one sole program for everything. Excluding E-Mail. That will still have to be run through Outlook I'm assuming. But the contact list in Outlook is going to be obsolete except for just email addresses. But that's an assumption.
The creators of this software take all your data from all the diff sources you have them entered in and merge/convert them to their program. Its a really nice program. It restricts those from having information they are not suppose to have access to, etc. Which, in the old system, just any old employee could see any ole thing they wanted to. Not anymore. And it makes everything uniform. Which is great. Certain fields can only have certain data, etc. AND, it has an internal contact list, so say a client calls up and says "I am Joe Blow with AEIOU Builders, Inc. and I spoke with someone, can't remember their name and it was about a topo survey" I can be like "OK sir, please hold one moment" look up that project and it will tell me everyone who worked on the project and exactly what they did so I can put them to the right person. Right now its a major guessing game. Clients get a little ticked off when you take down their information, make them explain every little detail and tell them "I'll have the appropriate person contact you back" instead of being able to send them straight to our employee. But unless they know exactly who their looking for. That is impossible.
So, we've had alot of deleting, re-entering and god knows what else going on. Just too much damn stress. Crystal is breaking out into hives. With what's going on with her Father and her nephews and the firm. I can see why. I've been getting alot of migraine type headaches lately, but their not bad enough to send me to the ER. Which is a blessing in disguise because I doubt that I could afford it at this point in time. Still waiting for that perfect car. Which feels like its never going to happen, along with the perfect man. Neither exist.
"Freak On A Leash"
Something takes a part of me.
Something lost and never seen.
Everytime I start to believe,
Something's raped and taken from me... from me.
Life's got to always be messing with me. (You wanna see the light)
Can't they chill and let me be free? (So do I)
Can't I take away all this pain. (You wanna see the light)
I try to every night, all in vain... in vain.
Sometimes I cannot take this place.
Sometimes it's my life I can't taste.
Sometimes I cannot feel my face.
You'll never see me fall from grace
Something takes a part of me.
You and I were meant to be.
A cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes a part of me.
Feeling like a freak on a leash. (You wanna see the light)
Feeling like I have no release. (So do I)
How many times have I felt diseased? (You wanna see the light)
Nothing in my life is free... is free
Boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
So...fight! something on the... dum na ema
Fight...some things they fight
So...something on the... dum na ema
Fight...some things they fight
Fight...something of the... dum na ema
No...some things they fight
Fight...something of the... dum na ema
Fight...some things they fight
Part of me...

Listening to: "Freak on a Leash" - Korn
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