2ndly, I scored phone #s from a few really cute Italian guys. I kept askin Crystal if they were Mafia or something. Had thier own seats in the joint reserved just for them and everything. Ofcourse, they got my # as well. One of them sang Picture with me By Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock. Wow, was he gorgious. Mama Maria he's hot. Even got a little kiss from him before I left. I walked over to say g'nite and he hugged me and kissed me. Innocent little peck, but still. It was lips and o so nice.
Speaking of GUYS. HockeyGuy and I have been talking again. I can't be mad at him forever. I don't know what my deal is with this guy. I don't know. Thier is just something that screams inside of me 'Dont let this one go'. Tentativly we have plans saturday. If it don't happen I wont be too put out tho, cuz its the Packer's First game of the PreSeason. So, ya know....
Crystal told me about a Position at a local bank. Sent in my resume and stuff. Crossing my fingers. Working with her is excellent. But ya know, gotta keep my options open too.
I got offered a position teaching Kindegarten kids after school. Tutor stuff. But I'm going to have to turn it down. I would have made more money staying in Arkansas. I love kids, wish I could do it. But I'm gonna have to turn down thier offer.
I have an interview at a Spa and Resort place in the morning. We'll see how that goes. Crossing my fingers for the bank position tho.
Hmmmmm, got my braid done Sunday. As well as TheSon comming out Saturday. Really not alot going on .... Here are some pics.

Hmmm, I really dont know what else to say. I do, however, have a dedication to send out. maybe they'll get the hint its to them.... I present to you, by Kelly Clarkson - "hear me"...and maybe I'll get good enough I can get them to go to a Karaoke place with me and I can sing it to them? Or is that too bold???
Hear me
Hear me
You gotta be out there
You gotta be somewhere
Wherever you are
I'm waiting
'Cause there are these nights when
I sing myself to sleep
And I'm hopin' my dreams
Bring you close to me
Are you listening?
Hear me
I'm cryin' out
I'm ready now
Turn my world upside down
Find me
I'm lost inside the crowd
It's getting loud
I need you to see
I'm screaming for you to please
Hear me
Hear me
Hear me
Can you hear me?
Hear me
I used to be scared of
Letting someone in
But it gets so lonely
Being on my own
No one to talk to
And no one to hold me
I'm not always strong
Oh, I need you here
Are you listening?
Hear me
I'm cryin' out
I'm ready now
Turn my world upside down
Find me
I'm lost inside the crowd
It's getting loud
I need you to see
I'm screaming for you to please
Hear me
I'm restless and wild
I fall, but I try
I need someone to understand
Can you hear me?
I'm lost in my thoughts
And baby I'm far
For all that I've got
Can you hear me?
Hear me
I'm cryin' out
I'm ready now
Turn my world upside down
Find me
I'm lost inside the crowd
It's getting loud
I need you to see
I'm screaming for you to please
Hear me
Hear me
Hear me
Hear me
Can you hear me?
Hear me
Hear me
Hear me
Can you hear me?
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
Hear me
Hear me
Hear me
Anyways, ShadowBar is a really neat place. Never been there before. But, man. It was hard for me to stay... We get there and the first thing the BarTender, who is really hot, does is Card me. I have an AR license still. He wouldn't let me stay unless I could show proof I am who I am by showing more ID. WTF. So, Crystal calls Tazzie and he gets there and I pull out like 6 diff IDs that show my Bdate and Name. Tax Preparer ID, Voter Registration Card, Blood Donor Card, EXP Medicare Card, SS card and my Driver's License. He appologized profusely. I understand he wouldn't beable to tell if it was a fake or not. He's not from Arkansas. But man, he started flirting badly.
OH! And those 'calls' that I made that night, when I was really waisted.... The person I called loved it. He thought they were great. Didn't get mad at all that I called his cell phone drunk off my ass and sayin stupid shit. Man, I swear we're perfect together. Yes, I'm talking about HockeyGuy. It was him I did that too. I was so embarassed. But he loved it. talk about crazy crazy.
I gotta go to bed. Its after 1am and I gotta help Crystal get up in the morning. Drive tazzie to work so I can go to my interview at the Spa. And then I have lunch with MusicMan. Wow, I'm busy.
PS....still smoke free, altho I was so nervous tonight I almost gave in. But I held strong.
Congrats on 2nd place! yay!!! Sounds like you're getting into the swing of things :-) Wow, I can't believe you can resist smoking when you're out like that... (oh yeah, sry I ditched the RED color theme lol)