Friday, July 28, 2006

Lets play Ketchup

(that was suppose to be funny)

Got rained out of the BBQ at theClown's place. Got rained out of the Car show. Pretty much everything fun I've had on the agenda has been rained out or cancelled.

I still got my date lined up for Saturday. I can't wait. Been a long time in comming. I'm ready for a good sporting event (hockey) and a beer afterwards.

Wow, nothing interesting has been happening lately. I'm getting boring, you guys are gonna quit reading about my life. *no no no no*


Crystal and Tazzie are going out tonight. I think I might stay home and watch a Movie. Maybe go rent one. eh, I don't know. Greaser (our other roomie, he looks like a greaser from the 50s) said me and him should go out one night, make a date of it... Might ask him if he's available tonight.

We went to the V lastnight. Nothing really interesting just had a few after dinner.

Oh! I havn't had a cigarette in 12 hours. And counting. I'm trying to quit. We'll see how it goes. Keep an eye on the side bar where my countdowns/ups are...

I guess thats it. Mucho Lovie and Hugs and Kissies.

1 comment:

  1. lol ketchup.....hope u don't mind me leaving this pointless condiment, but its all i could mustard up for now.....


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