Wednesday, July 19, 2006 - Presidential Blockades of Stem-Cell Research and Security Clearance - Presidential Blockades of Stem-Cell Research and Security Clearance - : "LOS ANGELES - Have you or anyone in your family been touched by Parkinson's disease, diabetes or spinal-cord injuries?

If the answer is yes, you may be one of the 72 percent of Americans who, according to polls released by supporters, favor the very modest legislation now passed by Congress to allow somewhat greater support for embryonic stem-cell research. The legislation, that is, that President Bush vetoed.

Why would a president whose popularity ratings are at historic lows veto legislation supported by close to three-quarters of the country which does no more than allow researchers to work on stem-cell lines created from embryos that would have been destroyed anyway?

Principle, you say. ...

If you can find a principle here, good luck.

The legislation passed by the Senate this week is so limited as to almost be laughable. It doesn't allow scientists to create new embryonic material from a patient's own cells, which may be the most promising route to curing diseases: Such 'embryos' would have no chance of ever growing into a fetus, but could provide the genetic material to help cure the person's disease. But the Senate legislation doesn't allow that."

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