The many faces/hair of Jenny
Remember way back when, oh about 3 months ago? I had't done anything to my hair in, oh...I'd say about 2 years. So, my roots were showin, and you could REALLY see the grey!
Then about a month ago, a friend of mine dyed my hair. And it turned out too red for me? Thankfully you couldn't see the red in that headshot. But you can in the other two.
And now, today. I think I finally got it. Oh yea, its alot darker than I have ever gone, and I'm in love with it. I was actually debating on going darker, but hey, Maybe who knows. I'll live with this for a month and then we'll see....
Wow, my hair is so LONG! lol. I need to get the deadends trimmed off, but I'm debating on whether or not. I know, I know, my hair needs it to stay healthy.
Don't I have a really CUTE ass?! I love my ass. You should see it in these jeans I have....its like BAM.
Let me know what you think of the hair.... one plus on this, hiding the grey! And an excuse to post pics of my but.
Beautiful hair! And yes, you have a really cute ass :-)