Saturday, December 11, 2004

Life in all its ups, downs, twists and turns

I'm not one to ask for money. When I have a hard spot, I deal with it...Lastnight it all just came to a head...A dear and close friend of mine who lives in Canada came online while I was researching diffrent ways to get quick cash to pay our bills before we got evicted...Andy has become my night and shining armour tonight. He's given me and Hephaestus most of the money to beable to pay our bills. I dont know what I would do without him. He's always been an emotional support for me to vent to when I had no one to turn to. And tonight he saved the roof over my head, and the electric to keep us warm in our beds.

My darling, darling Andy. You are the example of the truest and greatest friend anyone could ever ask for..THANKYOU for being my Guardian Angel...THANKYOU!

Big HUGE relief this morning...Let me tell ya, I can breathe now... I can breathe now.

Checked the account this morning, nothing there...Called the bank, Said it could be 2-3 days before it hits our bank since its from a diffrent country. Even tho thier our neighbors and connecting via landmass...I said thats crazy and she says "well, thats just the way it goes". Bah shit bug. So, even now, it being a few days til we get the Money from Andy, I'm stil hugely relieved because we will get it in time to pay bills before they get shut off.

Might not have any money to get anything for the Family for christmas, they can deal with a card that says "your family, deal with it!" lol...just kidding I wouldn't do that...But I still wont have christmas money. Next year, I'm going to buy all my presents early early early and already have them wrapped and ready to go under the tree!!! I was lucky we kept our tree from last year and all the ornaments. I like to have a diffrent tree (in theme) every year and I only had to spend $15 on new ornaments this year because I had most of my theme colors already... Go me!!

Well, today has been a boring boring day...Not alot going on. Looked in the classifieds again for a job and found nothing for me or Hephaestus..Which sucks. When Hephaestus's not looking thier bookoos of shit in his field, when he needs to look and find something diffrent, thier's never anything!!! Me, I've gotten a few leads, faxed/emailed/mailed my resume in. Went to a few places and put in an application. Still no call backs yet...I have to learn patience, which is not my best suit.

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