Sunday, December 26, 2004

Glad the Holidays are Over

Now maybe I can rest.....PIPE DREAM!

Lets see here, Friday on X-Mas eve we went to Hephaestus's Parent's house. H’sStep-Dad (aka Dad) played Santa Claus. The boys were such darling angels. NephewA started calling me "Momma Jen Jen". I'd tell him "NO, its Auntie Jen Jen" and he'd say "Shut up you my Momma Jen Jen"...So I just let it be.

Lets see here...presents I got at the Hepheastus's Family....I got a cook book set, something I wanted SO bad (I love to cook). I got a new awesome knife set, and it has its own block. And I got a pair of Kitty Kat sweater socks, kinda like house shoes but thier socks :) and I think thats it...

Saturday, we spent X-Mas day at my Parent's house. My Daddie didn't dress up as Santa Claus, but then again he's not as fat as H’sStep-Dad.

Presents I got at My Familys' gathering....An expensive and NICE pots and pans set and I mean NICE! Black Iron wall sconces with candles. Another knife set, no block on this one but thier still nice set :) it has diffrent paring knives the other set doesn't have, so its all good! I got wall hooks (coat hooks) that are frogs dressed up in Wizzardry clothes. A beautiful candie basket dish.... and I think thats it! lol

I'm not really looking forward to going to work on Tuesday. Maybe I'm just too tired from all the holiday running and gunning, but...I'm actually scared of going back out there in the workforce. I've been unemployed for a while now, and its not even my preferred line of work. I dont know if I'm going to beable to sit there and do people's taxes............

And that brings me to this, my new years resolution: Whether I hate it or I love it, I will NOT quit Jackson-Hewitt Tax Services. I will stick it out until April and I WILL save every penny from my pay check and I WILL I WILL I WILL have my goddamned house, my own fucking house and not this stinking apartment by my Birthday. Oh so help me by all the Gods I will have what I want.

Oooh, thier is just one thing I must say...Baer you goto fucking HELL! Comming up here on Goddammed Christmas FUCKING EVE to get your goddamned shit KNOWING that you were interfereing with our plans you scummy ass bastard. I hope to hell that you fucking get something from that slut that you are fucking that Ajax and bleach wont wash off and that you'll have it for the rest of your miserable fucking life. Your a pig and an ass. How dare I try and trust you as my friend again. How dare I open up my home and my heart to you and love you as a brother and care about you. How dare I open myself up to be hurt by you. Turn on those fucking tears and cry "I dont have a place to live" fuck you! you've been gone for how long? since that night! and you've had a place to go. Thanks for trying to ruin my marriage. Didn't succeed did you! Nope, sure as hell didn't, because like a REAL man and not some piece of shit SCUM SHIT, my husband has a brain! And altho it took him longer than me, he finally saw through all your fucking lies. Have fun working at Tyson's gutting chickens. Have fun fucking a whore that the Whole Hephaestusson County of Arkansas has had thier dick up her cunt and ass. You made your nasty bed, I hope you enjoy wallowing in it like the pig you are.......OINK OINK OINK.

Lesson to be learned here ladies and gents.......DONT TRUST ANYONE! thier all fucking liars.

And with that said....Hope you all had a happy Holiday season, that you got everything you wished for from Santa Claus and you have a VERY blessed new year!

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